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We are delighted to be involved this year in the ‘Free Wills Month’ campaign, in association with Dougie Mac #mylegacy designed to encourage Will-making for those people who don’t have a Will or need to update their Will. The campaign will hopefully encourage people to think about leaving gifts to charity from their estate.

‘Free Wills Month’ is exactly what it says on the tin: we are offering a free single standard Will or a free double standard Will, to individuals or couples who come along in October 2021 for an appointment.

Our usual charges are £150 plus VAT for a single standard Will and £225 plus VAT for double standard Wills. The same service will apply, but free of charge! The campaign applies to standard Wills only.

There are limited places! The campaign starts on the 1st October and ends on the 31st October 2021.

If you are interested in making a new or replacement Will under the scheme, we open our booking for appointments from Friday 1st October to those clients who call quoting FWS. Please telephone Michelle or Nicki on 01630 652405 for more details or to make an appointment.